When Paula Ribó gave birth to Rigoberta Bandini, she was already part of world of the art: writer, artist, playwright… All those disciplines cultivated by the person behind the artist helped to turn Rigoberta Bandini into a big success within Spanish popular culture from the moment she emerged. Her first era (2019-2022), which started as a test and ended as a star, coincided with a period of change in which Spanish society changed to the rhythm of her songs; ‘Perra’, ‘Too Many Drugs’ or ‘In Spain We Call It Soledad’ are already part of the collective audiovisual memory of recent years. Then came the Benidorm Fest and the success of ‘Ay Mamá’, which made her name known amongst all strata of the country. In the heat of an incredibly fertile and innovative period, she published her first album, La Emperatriz (2022), an anthology of originality in pop music.

After a period of reflection and work (a “spiritual rest”) Ribó is getting ready for her next mutation and will return to Mallorca Live Festival with her new album, Jesucrista Superstar (2025). Paying tribute to the classic musical, it presents a work divided into three parts –Introspection, Resurrection and Communion– and with titles that are already hits such as ‘Si Muriera Mañana’ or ‘Pamela Anderson’.